Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Sat-Sun: Closed
Vein surgery – otherwise known as stripping and ligation has a recurrence rate of around 40-60%. This means that more than half the people who have had surgery on their veins will need further treatment. Vein surgery involves hospital admission, general anesthetic, bandaged legs and a six week recovery period.
Cutting a vein is like pruning a tree. It encourages new growth. This means that the varicose veins that occur after surgery tend to be more numerous and also more ‘wiggly’ making further surgery difficult – if not impossible. Because of how common this occurrence is, a large part of our work here at The Varicose Vein Clinic located in Robina is the treatment of varicose veins that have occurred after surgery. Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (UGS) is the pre-eminent treatment for this.
UGS involves the injection of the varicose vein, and any underlying incompetent vessels, with a solution known as a sclerosant. This solution irritates the vein walls and makes them sticky. The walls of the vein then stick together. The vein becomes a fibrous cord and is gradually absorbed by the body. The injections are placed accurately into the veins under the guidance of an ultrasound machine, making the treatment both targeted and precise.
The UGS procedure takes around 45 minutes and is done here in our rooms at Robina. A compression stocking must be worn for two weeks and you must walk for a minimum of 30 minutes per day for those two weeks. You must also walk for 30 minutes immediately after the procedure. This makes the total treatment time, including your walk, less than two hours. You can head back to work, or resume your normal daily activities straight away. We perform check-ups at two weeks, three months and twelve months.
Our modern non-surgical techniques mean that there is no hospital admission, no general anaesthetic and no prolonged painful recovery period – which if you have had previous surgery- you will know all about!
If your veins have recurred after surgery, there is another solution. You do not have to go back for more surgery. Take the first step and come and see for yourself. At our initial consultations we perform an ultrasound examination of your legs, provide you with a personalised treatment plan and give you an exact quote of treatment costs. There are significant medicare rebates available for this procedure and you do not need a referral to make an appointment.
Decide today is the day. Decide to walk proud.
Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practiotioner.